Friday, July 25, 2014

Tomato plants loving the heat and setting fruit

This has been an unusually warm and dry summer, with high temperatures in June mostly in the low to mid-70s and even high-70s by the last week, with overnight lows in the mid-50s.

By the end of June, many of the tomato plants had already set fruit. By June 25th Sungold had set the most, with 20 fruit that were 1 cm or larger. Its first fruit even began blushing by June 25th, about 2 1/2 weeks earlier than in 2013 even though the Sungold planted was slightly smaller and was only planted 10 days earlier than the year before. The other cherry tomatoes (Chadwick, Sun Sugar, Black Cherry, and Matt's Wild Cherry) had also set fruit by June 25th.

By June 21st the Sungold plant had several trusses of fruit

By June 25th fruit were blushing on the Sungold

By June 21st Sun Sugar also had several trusses of fruit

By June 21st Chadwick also had set several fruit on a truss

Of the larger varieties, only Jet Star, Japanese Trifele Black, and Green Zebra had set fruit by June 25th, but the other larger varieties (Cherokee Purple, Paul Robeson, and Moscovich) had a few trusses with open flowers.

Green Zebra with several fruit on June 21st

Japanese Trifele Black with several fruit on June 21st 

Japanese Trifele Black with several fruit on June 25th 

Jet Star with several large fruit on June 21st

The largest fruit on Jet Star was about 2.5" in diameter on June 25th

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